$1,050.00 – $6,950.00
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Radiated Tortoise Online for Sale is a relatively large species of Tortoise, natively found on the island of Madagascar. Although having evolved in similar environments to other star-patterned Tortoises from around the tropics, Radiated Tortoise Online For Sale has more striking and complex markings than those of the Indian Star Tortoise, for example. The Radiated Tortoise is also known as the Sokake in Madagascar, and although they are critically endangered in the wild, it is widely believed that they are the most beautiful of all Tortoise species. Naturally then, they are a popular exotic pet, which is thought to be one of the main reasons for their demise.
Common Name: Radiated Tortoise
Scientific Name: Astrochelys Radiata
Current Size: 7″+/- range
Average Adult Size: 12-14″
Area of Origin: Southern tip of Madagascar
These tortoises have been housed outdoors the past several years in Las Vegas with brief 4 month trips indoors for the coldest few months. They should be maintained outdoors in all but the coldest months.
Description: Radiated Tortoise Online For Sale are one of the most stunning tortoises on earth, jaw droppers to anyone that sees them. They are very round in shape and very high domed; we often refer to them as our “bowling balls.” Jet black shells with crisp yellow and white bands Radiated Tortoise Online For Sale from the center of the scutes give them a pattern similar to a star Radiated Tortoise Online For Sale , but with much more variation and a cleaner, crisper contrast. Head, leg and skin color is bright yellow often with a black patch on the top of the head. The face is blunt and round.
Habitat: Radiated Tortoise Online For Sale come from the dry thorny forests of the Southern tip of Madagascar. They enjoy humidity and warm conditions, and as adults, do well in hot, dry climates with or without humidity. We raise them with high humidity the first 2-3 years and lots of soakings / hydration to ensure they remain as “smooth-shelled” as possible.
Diet: This tortoise is naturally a browser, eating broadleaf weeds and low leaves from bushes and shrubs. They will also graze on grass, and have an easy diet to provide in captivity. They enjoy Mazuri tortoise diet as well as spring mix, diced cactus and any combination of vegetables. Fruit is occasionally added as a treat, but should remain a small percentage of the diet.
Adult Behavior: Radiated tortoises are active, busy tortoises when the temperatures are in their ideal ranges (60-90 degrees), particularly if humidity is moderate to high. During hot, dry conditions, our radiateds will generally stay hidden in shallow underground hideboxes, but a good soaking with the hose (or rain, when we get it) and they’re running around happily. They can usually can be kept in small groups without any major aggression problems. Most will eagerly come to their keepers looking for food once they are comfortable in their environments. Ours have generally made little attempts to escape or dig out of their enclosures, so a pretty basic perimeter wall should contain them.
AGE/SIZE | Hatchlings, Juveniles, Subadults, Adults |
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$1,199.00 – $3,500.00
$249.00 – $2,499.00
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